You cannot kill OrangeClock
But maybe you can drink him... but he wouldn't like it... it was a short, sweet, and overally good movie, though, so nice job :-D
You cannot kill OrangeClock
But maybe you can drink him... but he wouldn't like it... it was a short, sweet, and overally good movie, though, so nice job :-D
I appreciate the review, but I'm pretty sure "overally" is not a word.
I love this movie!
It's so funny! I just have one question for those of you who are writing reviews and saying that you're going to give it a zero because A. it's a clock movie, or B. it told you to vote 5.
On A, watch the movie before judging :) And on B, what we say in movies shouldn't piss you off so much, and I don't understand why the fact that someone says vote 5 would immediately make you give it a zero. Do you think we're trying to control you or something? We just want to be your friends :)
So well put Wheatie. As disheartened as I am when people tell me things like "you're a clock so you're going to hell (I thought I had enough of that in grade school)" and "I can't believe a clock made something that wasn't shitty", I am willing to turn the other cheek. Even those people who insist that I was somehow mocking the plight of the victims of September 11th (which makes absolutely no sense, I was mocking Osama bin Laden and Britney Spears) are simply being ignorant, and I cannot fault them their ignorance. It is when we ask people to allow us the chance to prevail, the opportunity to produce a decent film and have it viewed in an unbiased manner, and they refuse, that gets on my nerves. I don't really care about the score (as long as it's not blammed) or the review ratings. I *DO* care about people enjoying my work. If they refuse simply because it is by a clock, then there is nothing I can do to help that.
And, everyone should realize at this point that "Vote 5, StrawberryClock commands it" is a rote statement that appears in most of our films, even ones we honestly don't expect to get 5s, simply because it was Strawberry's "line". The Clock Crew seeks NOT to manipulate others into voting highly, or coercing them. We simply seek humour and inspiration through flash works, and we hope to spread the good message of StrawberryClock to those individuals who will listen.
Yay for Canada!
Cabbage Clock is cool
Yes he am.
Go MSNmessengerClock, GO!!!
Thanks for voting, Wheatonman! (Look at me, I'm like ki1o, only cooler!!!)
Your vote was worth 6.36 votes. The more experience points you have, the more your vote is worth!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 1.90!
Well, it looks like MsnMessengerClock has his first fan. He truly appreciates your vote.
A Classic for all times!
A beautiful piece that truly proves that man can overcome anything. Five stars, 10/10, the best movie of the day!
Ahh Jes, Another one of masterpeices of man created by me. I wonder... how am I so good? Then I laugh... because I am the penguinberry.
Yeah, um... what was that? I think I saw Michael Jackson, and some Pin Monkey character, and Vegeta was calling everyone gay, or something. are gay! you fag..i get all 10's and you give me a damn 1. You obviously have no taste, you can at least give it a 3 or something, you dont have to give it a 1, stick crap is a 1...this is high quality graphics you dumb bitch!
Lucky Bastard
I have a Comparative Politics exam in 5 hours (I'd be asleep, but I'm suffering from chronic insomnia) and a Political Theory paper that I'm rewriting for Wednesday after the teacher gives me back my rough draft tomorrow. I'll give you a 10 anyways!
Good luck... I was so happy when I got my poli sci final done. It is an education requirement so I never have to see him again!!!
Flowers are cool...
In particular, that one.
Thanks man, I like flowers too, that one is my favorite species.
Joined on 9/19/00